Real Estate "Secure" Investing with better Return On Investments (ROI)



Hey folks, this is Dave. Welcome to my website. It's a simple site-nothing fancy. Just straight to the point information on investing in Real Estate and getting a good return on your investment dollar. The current stock market volatility and increased fed funds rate is making it harder to invest your savings with expectations of a good and safe return. Due to the recent increase in mortgage rates, real estate values have declined in many area and are expected to continue to decline for months, maybe years.

I have been in the Real Estate business for over 40 years as a licensed Certified General Appraiser, Realtor/Broker, Building Contractor, Developer and FLIPPER. I now see the beginning of great opportunities for investing in Real Estate. Home prices have been exceeding fundamentals for several years, but prices are now falling in some markets. Property values could decline as much as 20% to 30% before returning to affordable prices. For more information, keep reading below.


OK, why invest in Real Estate when the stock market is currently booming? Because the 2023-24 current market hype is primarily due to one sector - AI and NVIDIA, but Is the market experiencing another bubble that will soon burst? Is now a good time to jump into the stock market or is it too late. Like most good things, it's usually too late by the time the "GET RICH NEWS" hits the street. We say you can get a more stable/safer and typically a better return investing in real estate.

And how soon we forget! Humans have 6 month memories. Most have already forgotten about the Real Estate "Gold Rush" scenario in the mid to late 2000's - just before the Great Recession and real estate CRASH, caused primarily by greed and newbie RE investors. Most have already forgotten about the 2008 stock market crash when stock market values plummeted over 50%. Memories of the 2000-2002 market crash have also faded.

In 2005, I had 15 years experience as a Real Estate Appraiser (now over 25 years) and 30+ years of experience in multiple other Real Estate practices (now over 40 years). I was warning people then that Real Estate was overvalued - exceeding well-know fundamentals. Real Estate and the economy started crashing 2 years later. The stock market followed.

I am stating the same thing today as I stated in 2005. As the great basketball star, Charles Barkley stated in his book: I May Be Wrong but I Doubt It".

The popular phrase: "What goes up, must come down", has a lot of truth. Current real estate prices are once again exceeding fundamentals (and so is the stock market). First time home buyers have been priced out of the current market. Most single family home sales today are purchased by relocating retires with large amounts of built up equity and the upper income folks. Retirees who cashed out of their existing homes and then purchase a similar home in a retirement location for 1/2 the price. These are cash buyers who don't care about mortgage interest rates. According to Redfin, 34% of current home purchases are made up of cash buyers.

Most so called "experts" state that a real estate recovery is dependent upon lower mortgage rates. However, I say that PRICES need to come down. As of March 2024, the current 30 year mortgage rate is just above 7%. Everyone is in shock because rates were under 3% three years ago. However, historical rates were 8% for many years, Todays 7% rates are actually low compared to historical 8% rates of the 1970's and 1980's.

Ready to get a better return on your dollar? Let us help. 

I have been reading that household wealth is at an all time high. That is, if you are a retiree who purchased a home 20-30 years ago or purchased a home when mortgage rates were 3% (which has contributed to todays over inflated prices - rate go down, prices go up - and historically the reverse is true). Based on that premise, I'll state again that, since rates have gone up, home PRICES need to come down, Only then will purchasing a home, be once again affordable to the mainstream population.

The fed's and so called economic "experts" state that inflation is decreasing/stabilizing; however, very few talk about the impact real estate has on the Consumer Price Index. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, real estate contributes 42% to the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

The truth is, we won't get inflation under control until home prices return to basic fundamentals. That means prices have to come down - more so than rates.

During the Great Recession, overinflated real estate prices fell 50% or more in many locations, It should also be noted that the stock market crashed in 2008-09 and lost over 50% of its value - after a runaway increase in value. Just like during the Great Recession, this country needs another "Greed Adjustment". Some say a recession may be a good thing.

All that being said: Real Estate is still a solid investment, if done correctly - if one has the knowledge and understanding of basic fundamentals. We have that knowledge and adjust our investment strategies accordingly. A safe and steady "good" return on real estate investing is still possible. The secret is to invest in properties that are highly secured and have substantial equity. If a default does occur, the investor has recourse to recover their funds.

In Q3 2023, a staggering 77,900 single-family homes and condos were flipped across the United States. But what about the profit? The average gross profit on a flipped property stood at $75,500, a 35.7% return on investment compared to the original acquisition price. That's a healthy margin, indicating the potential for substantial returns in the fix and flip market. If you want to take advantage of this investment opportunity, we are here to provide you with the proper structuring of your investment dollar. Reach out to learn more.